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<Amazing Saturday market sul Doremi> Eyes won) Amazing Saturday notice (feat

want. I think our members will come in good charisma. Sugar: I do not know what to say. Please expect a lot because it shows many drill. J. Hops: Bulletproof Boy Scouts will think it's just Bulletproof Boy Scouts. Any style of music, any style of performance, with bulletproof Scouting brings out the style. Jimin: Year


I realized that the need to think. If you are a talented person to replace the one of your colleagues for 24 hours, and why would you choose anyone? RM: I want to dance like Jay-hop during the day. What does it feel like? J: V is the ability to memorize choreography. "Did you already forget the work?" He wanted to say to the RM. Sugar: RM- I want to speak English well. J. Hops: Sugar amazing soft output of !!! Jimin: Jay-hop laughing face. When Mr. J. Hop smiley face is too cute. V: create a lot of songs borrowed the brain of the RM

相 変 わ ら ず キ ノ ピ オ 大好 き な の で キ ノ ピ オ ば っ か り 使 っ て い ま す ヽ ( 'ー `) あ と は も う す ぐ Switch の ポ ケ ン 発 売 さ れ ま す ね ~! ど っ ち に し よ う? 最近 の ポ ケ モ ン 知 ら な い キ ャ ラ ク タ ー 多 い か ら 覚 え な き ゃ! シ ー ル ド に し よ う か な? 皆 さ ん は ど っ ちに す る ん で す か ?? 短 め だ け ど 今日 は こ こ ま で っ! 最後 ま で 読 ん で く だ さ っ て あ り が と う ご ざ い ま し た ま た ね っ! I taught ↑ Allen Kawa Momoko and tamami! Momoko is not forever Hello! Today, thank a day! Sato Kaede find a mistake in ~ handshake (^ O ^), select the pink pen to write on your smartphone and why there

VoLTE also addresses! When unboxing proceed to use VoLTE had a problem a little! Outgoing calls, but not receive much success haeteotneundeyo smoothly! Unboxing after the update was in progress right MIUI, of course, it is VoLTE receive part of the release is a problem solved! Jungyijiman tests conducted a few days without sighting you if the phone does not ring. The initial firmware release and was not equipped with face recognition unlock the K20 Pro also as the firmware update has been added! Just pop up the zest used a camera can be turned to slide the screen from the lock screen! Because of the frequency of use is somehow a little fall


29 8:00 comeback show (Tuesday) - 6:30 idol Room Wed, the 30th - 5:00 Weekly Idol, 7:00 2019 Republic of Korea Pop Culture Art Award, 8:00 TMI NEWS 31 days (the neck) 6:00 M Countdown Fri, November 1 5:00 music bank Sat, the 2nd - 3:30 music center, 7:40 amazing Saturday Doremi Market (syeonu, juheon) Sun, the 3rd - 3:50 popular music movie won Eyes "Eyes on US: the movie '



I abandoned ... m (__) m 2-5 unit was autumn clothes! ! This fall Khaki or tried to challenge! Is Mingle? The birthday was celebrated tamami ~ was ~ ♪ If you come and POV-stamped flowers also much appreciated ( '-`) .. nice oO. I read the message Toka attached to the flowers! In Osaka this weekend in an individual handshake


It held in speedy help to the Gangwon International Motor Festival conventional super race game, as well as Asian auto Gymkhana Championship and Asian drifting Cup Gangwon Eco Rally is held deda qualifying is scheduled to the end of the night celebrations, so visibility to see the direct economic yichame with I should be okay. So I danyeowaseo the game again


It has plenty of life-size representation of cuteness. Cover the Dong laughed at popular works "imminent start of the runway, the TV animation 'decorations, there are a variety of Special woven in the ground. [Photo] photographed: 細 居 kojiro styling: 優哉 Hair Makeup: Yamashita Keiko Design: Saori 柳 野 (Thir.One inc) costumes cooperation: merryjenny 西 野 七 瀬, デ コ 出 し ア ッ プ ヘ ア ス タ イ ル 披露 「レ ア !!" "! す ご い イ ン パ ク ト" Nishino Nanase, Deco matter up hairstyle showcase "Rare! "" Great Impact! "Time: 2020-01-08 14:49 Source:


Hwangjinwoo player 2 I'd like to start harassing the 06 times janghyeonjin Player of the letters GP, which ran over it while a long is janghyeonjin Player of the letters GP, expand bangeojeon beyond the game mid-defeating 12th Pursuit hwangjinwoo players, CJ Logistics slowly before going started running toward the top 04 players of the time Jung Eui-chul ecstasy racing game that you are late doeja to 04 times the pace of Jung Eui-chul was starting to get a little bit of ecstasy racing down ... without a GP letter 06 times janghyeonjin players watched it a bunch As the game then he spare tire jonbeo (?) behind the athlete Jung Eui-chul


I will forgive 'is considered a form of expression that was still ... Ex-wife is, I'm sorry. Thank you for this great hurt, I will call or e-mail is also true, until you do good, I'll continue to wait until you'd forgive me, he said. I, I told you that already haeteuni Divorced even find a new man, and I said `no, do you think is the relationship between men and women and other men '. An unforgivable act
